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Phoenix Command Group
Welcome to the headquarters of theVeil Universe, a unique blend of role-playing and world-building. Join in, pick a side, and engage in one of the most unique fictional universes in existence! Now is a time of creation, exploration, and battle. Come join in the formation of entirely new aliens, factions, and technology!

For our returning veterans who prefer the PCG as imagined in the LUCL, it's still here.

Oh, and before to go― please, grab a sidearm. It gets a bit crazy around here...
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SA-2 Thunderstorm Snubfighter Empty SA-2 Thunderstorm Snubfighter

Tue Jan 13, 2015 11:01 pm
The SA-2 Thunderstorm snubfighter is a space and air-capable heavy assault craft designed for missile strikes against both planetside targets and starships. It is also capable of supporting superiority fighters in dogfighting operations, and has exceptional maneuvering capabilities for a fighter of its size and role. In addition to missiles and magnetic accelerator cannons, the SA-2 is equipped with the DS-1 Lancer Laser Defense System. This weapon, controlled by the fighter's onboard computer, is designed to shoot incoming missiles out of the sky, working independently of the fighter itself and using a powerful laser and advanced tracking system. While the laser is less effective against shielded targets, it is able to hit a target instantly, so if a missile can be detected--and the fighter's variety of sensors generally ensure that this is possible--it can be easily destroyed. Since anti-fighter missiles are usually not shielded, this makes the DS-1 very effective at keeping missiles, mines, and other hazards out of the fighter's path.

16x Missile Hardpoints
4x Light Magnetic Acceleration Cannons
1x AM-1 Lancer Defense System



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SA-2 Thunderstorm Snubfighter Empty Re: SA-2 Thunderstorm Snubfighter

Wed Jan 14, 2015 1:46 pm
Mmmmm... we need to be active more. Razz I'd post more, but I'm currently in the process of "taking inventory" and sorting out my system, soooo.... (IDK, there are a few more items for Arik's RP)...

Anyway, enough rambling about myself- onto the fighter! The detail here is very good IMO, and I like the dark, metallic grey and bright orange color scheme that seems to be standard among your stuff. However, I will say that for a missile boat*, it's a bit light on missiles and too heavy on the light MACs- though I suppose this is more of a general artillery fighter than it is a missile-only affair. The general design itself a bit too... compact, almost- I would recommend extending and streamlining the nose, developing the engines a bit more, maybe lengthen the wings (not increase the wingspan, though you might have to do that anyway to make it look right; I mean move the leading edge forward, and leave the trailing one where it is). The laser turret as well, though despite being cool and an integral part of the design, is large, bulky, and unstreamlined. I would recommend replacing it with some kind of drone flush with the main hull, and have it deploy and maneuver along with the craft.

I must say, that's an interesting SNOT design you have there; we've seen it a lot with ships, but this is the first time I remember seeing it with a fighter, so good job on that.

All told, this is a pretty cool craft, though it has it's weaknesses here and there. Good job!

*By which I mean any strike craft designed to carry large amounts of anti-fighter missiles, not that one SW fighter. Razz

SA-2 Thunderstorm Snubfighter Empty Re: SA-2 Thunderstorm Snubfighter

Wed Jan 14, 2015 4:04 pm
I can see what you mean about the wings and the overall length; it does look a bit stocky. However, it's not meant primarily to carry anti-fighter missiles; it generally carries bunker-busters and anti-capital ship missiles. The laser turret does look unstreamlined, but I sort of designed it to look that way. It's supposed to stick up above the rest of the craft to be able to stop attacks from all angles (though the fighter has to rotate for it to hit anything underneath the craft). I based it very loosely off of modern laser weapons.

Thanks for the comments!
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SA-2 Thunderstorm Snubfighter Empty Re: SA-2 Thunderstorm Snubfighter

Fri Jan 16, 2015 12:19 am
That's a fantastic fighter with fantastic technology!
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SA-2 Thunderstorm Snubfighter Empty Re: SA-2 Thunderstorm Snubfighter

Sat Jan 17, 2015 1:14 pm
I must second everything Mighty said. This is a really cool little ship, and is very well built. But, I feel that it could use some tweaks. The nose length seems fine to me, although lengthening it may not hurt a bit, and help make it even better. The engines do feel small in my opinion. 

My big problem is the laser. Lasers are really under-powered in the Trek arsenal.  A nice, low power disruptor turret (or drone) may work wonders. Also, the height and bulk of it, though not aesthetically pleasing in my personal opinion, would not be a detriment in SPACE ONLY combat. But in atmosphere... it would be a big problem.  

Overall, great job. Thanks for building this cool fighter/bomber.
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SA-2 Thunderstorm Snubfighter Empty Re: SA-2 Thunderstorm Snubfighter

Sat Jan 17, 2015 4:14 pm
^What he said, minus the part about the nose. I love the whole short, bulky and vaguley F-15 feel of it, very nice. Very Happy

SA-2 Thunderstorm Snubfighter Empty Re: SA-2 Thunderstorm Snubfighter

Sat Jan 17, 2015 6:24 pm
Dino: As I've probably said before, I'm not super into Trek weapons. Razz The key here is being able to hit a target instantly over a very long range. As long as the missiles being targeted don't have shields, the laser should do the job nicely. And yeah, I suppose the turret might create problems in atmosphere.

Also, a drone serving the same purpose would be rather difficult to manage, as well as very inefficient. Such a drone would be itself large and bulky, as it would have to power on its own not only the laser but also thrusters, shields, flight and targeting computers, etc. In addition, having the drone separate from the craft opens up the possibility of disrupting its connection to the fighter. Not to mention that fact that a small drone would have a very difficult time matching pace with a fighter of this size.
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SA-2 Thunderstorm Snubfighter Empty Re: SA-2 Thunderstorm Snubfighter

Sun Feb 01, 2015 1:38 pm
Very well done! I love the detail and coloration of this thing. For the most part, I think the weaponry is well-done too.

I think the design is a bit on the boxy side, and that the red cone pieces aren't the best for portraying missiles (IMO), but other than that, this is one very well done fighter! Wink
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SA-2 Thunderstorm Snubfighter Empty Re: SA-2 Thunderstorm Snubfighter

Sun Feb 01, 2015 3:12 pm
As long as it's not flying at super-fast speeds and the turret is aerodynamically shaped enough, it shouldn't be too much of an issue. Some versions of the P-61 Black Widow had a turret.
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SA-2 Thunderstorm Snubfighter Empty Re: SA-2 Thunderstorm Snubfighter

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